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OmniVision Chip Passed C&S Certification

发布日期:2024-07-25 19:58 来源:投资泰达
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日前,天津经开区企业豪威北方集成电路有限公司推出的全新车载mini SBC OKX0210顺利通过德国C&S实验室CAN SIC等级互操作兼容性认证。这是目前国内首个通过该等级认证的系统基础芯片产品。

TEDA enterprise OmniVision North China IC Ltd. launched its new self-developed automotive Mini SBC OKX0210. The device passed the CAN SIC test by C&S Group GmbH. This is China’s first system basis chip (SBC) product to receive the certification.

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C&S实验室是业界公认的测试通信接口互联互通、一致性和兼容性的权威认证机构。作为国内率先通过C&S CAN SIC等级兼容性测试的系统基础芯片产品,OKX0210具备与整车CAN总线的上下游设备互联互通的能力,可直接和其他通过C&S认证的CAN收发器无障碍通信,同时具备轻松应对5M以上通信速率大型复杂拓扑的能力。该款系统基础芯片将于2024年第三季度实现量产。

C&S Group GmbH is recognized as the industry’s leading certification authority for testing the interoperability, consistency, and compatibility of communication interfaces. As the first domestic C&S-certified SBC product with CAN Signal Improvement Capability (SIC), OKX0210 has the capability to interconnect with upstream and downstream devices on CAN bus, to communicate directly with other C&S-certified CAN transceivers, and to handle complex topologies with CAN FD up to 5Mbit/s. This SBC is scheduled for mass production in the third quarter of 2024.

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OmniVision North China IC Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of OmniVision Group-Will Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Shanghai. Established in TEDA in October 2023, the company primarily engages in R&D and sales in 4 core areas: automotive semiconductors, image sensors, chip and system testing, and analog chips.
