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Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area,缩写为TEDA,音译为泰达,于1984年12月6日经国务院批准建立,是中国首批14个国家级开发区之一。中国改革开放的总设计师邓小平同志在1986年8月视察天津开发区时,亲笔题词"开发区大有希望"。经过三十余年的发展,泰达已形成"一区多园"的发展格局 ......

雀巢大中华大区集团事务和可持续发展副总裁 方军涛


Fang Juntao, Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability,Nestlé Greater China 

“TEDA has become a key base of Nestlé's business in China. Nestlé will keep on reinvestment in Tianjin and bring in high value-added products and technologies through technological innovation and product upgrading.In this way, the manufacturing capacity in Tianjin can move up to a new level.”

一汽—大众汽车有限公司天津分公司总经理 约翰内斯·马歇尔


Johannes Marschall, President of FAW-Volkswagen Tianjin Branch

"The FAW-VW Tianjin Plant is a modern, outstanding factory of Volkswagen with cutting-edge technologies. lts full automation technology has reached a very high level.lt has absolute global competitiveness."

玛氏宠物营养中国区总裁 牛英华


Niu Yinghua, President of Mars Pets Nutrition China 

“ After investigating over 20 plots nationwide, we decided to land our project in TEDA, as it provides excellent service and enormous platform for Mars’future.

诺和诺德天津生产厂前总裁 雷纳德


Reinaldo Xisto Vieira Costa , former President of Novo Nordisk Tianjin Site 

 "We really appreciate our deep bond with TEDA. Whenever we are in need, their door is always open to us. We have been communicating with each other in deep trust. "

PPG亚太区总经理 延彩明


Cathy Yan, General Manager of PPG Asia Pacific

"TEDA gives us broad space for business growth."