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发布日期:2024-11-04 09:28 来源:天津经开区—泰达
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• 11月8日19:30|天津茱莉亚演奏厅  



• 11月12日16:00|天津茱莉亚演奏厅  

毕业音乐会:Katarina Elise,大提琴

• 11月12日19:00|天津茱莉亚演奏厅  


• 11月13日19:00|天津茱莉亚演奏厅  


• 11月14日16:00|天津茱莉亚演奏厅  



• 11月2日14:00|天津茱莉亚演奏厅  


• 11月9日14:00|天津茱莉亚演奏厅  


• 11月16日17:00|天津茱莉亚演奏厅  







TzuTi Daniel Chang, Violin

Allie Su, Piano



屏幕截图 2024-11-04 094035.png


The program is subject to change




旅美青年小提琴家,美国耶鲁大学音乐学院硕士、茱莉亚学院学士。13 岁即登台演出帕格尼尼第一号小提琴协奏曲,并曾与乐团演出柴可夫斯基、西贝柳斯、格拉祖诺夫所作的小提琴协奏曲等经典曲目。

5岁由父亲启蒙小提琴,后师承台湾交响乐团首席张睿洲。留美期间师承乌克兰小提琴家萝拉·列芙,学习苏联扬可列维奇学派的演奏与教学法。此外他也曾与Stephen Clapp、林以信、Daniel Phillips、姜孝等教授学习。他的演出足迹遍布纽约各大音乐厅,如林肯中心大卫·葛芬厅、艾莉丝 ·图莉厅、卡内基音乐厅等。就读耶鲁大学期间,他担任管弦乐团首席,并与指挥家Peter Oundjian演出。

张子提曾参加美国顶峰音乐节、鲍登国际音乐节、韩国大山音乐节、加拿大班夫音乐中心弦乐大师班、新加坡小提琴音乐节、日本飞騨高山音乐节,并接受亚伦·罗桑、以利亚· 凯勒、克里斯多夫·温金、维克多·丹琴科、钱舟、亚历山大·特罗斯蒂安斯基、清水高师等国际知名小提琴家指导。



TzuTi Daniel Chang is a prize winner of the Taiwan National Music competition, the Seventh Annual Academy of Taiwan Strings Violin Competition, and several other local competitions. He first appeared as a soloist at the age of 13, playing Paganini Violin Concerto No. 1 in D major with orchestras in Kaohsiung. He also performed concertos by Tchaikovsky, Sibelius, and Glazunov with various orchestras.

Chang started playing the violin at the age of five, and his main teacher was Ray-Chou Chang, the concertmaster of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra.Chang has participated in several music festivals, including the Summit Music Festival, Bowdoin Music Festival, Great Mountain Music Festival, the Banff Center’s string master classes, Singapore International Violin Festival, and the Hida-Takayama Music Festival. He has worked with world-renowned musicians such as Aaron Rosand, Ilya Kaler, Krzysztof Wegrzyn, Victor Danchenko, Alexander Trostiansky, and Takashi Shimizu.

A graduate of The Juilliard School and the Yale School of Music, Chang is strongly influenced by violinists Lara Lev and Hyo Kang. He has also worked with Stephen Clapp, Joseph Lin, and Daniel Phillips. He has performed in David Geffen Hall, Alice Tully Hall, and Carnegie Hall as a member of The Juilliard Orchestra. While studying at Yale, he served as concertmaster of the Yale Philharmonia under the baton of Maestro Peter Oundjian. He was also a teaching artist, working with undergraduate violin students at Yale.

Chang has given master classes and concerts in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beijing, Tianjin, and many other cities in China. In 2020, he founded the Trout Quartet, and the quartet has performed in major concert halls in China, such as Tianjin Grand Theater, Beijing National Library Arts Center, Jiangsu Grand Theater, Shenzhen Concert Hall, Shenzhen Poly Theater, Shenzhen Jingshan Theater, Xinghai Concert Hall, Wuxi Grand Theater, and Qingdao Grand Theater.

Chang served as a violin instructor and Artist in Residence at Vanke Meisha Arts Academy from 2019.






 Allie Su has taught and performed extensively as a chamber musician throughout the United States, Asia and Europe. Specializing in wind and brass accompanying, Su has collaborated with many leading artists including Nitzan Haroz, Carol Jantsch, Denson Paul Pollard, Demondrae Thurman, Toby Oft, Benjamin Kamins, George Sakakeeny, and Alexa Still in various concert venues. Su has served as a collaborative pianist in major festivals including Perlman Music Program, Interlochen Center for the Arts, American Viola Society, Cooper International Violin Competition and Meadowmount School of Music Summer Festival.

As an internationally recognized chamber artist, Su has performed and given master classes at the Oberlin Conservatory, University of Texas in Austin, University of Denver, University of Colorado in Boulder, Cleveland State University, Taipei University, Tunghai University, Sun Yat-sen University, Seoul National University, and Yonsei University. Besides being an instrumental accompanying specialist, Su also served as a vocal coach and staff pianist for the Land of Enchantment Opera, Young Artist Program at the Butler Opera Center, and Franco-American Vocal Academy, ISING Summer Festival in Suzhou, China and Lingua e Canto in Sant’ Angelo in Vado, Italy.

Su is currently on faculty at The Tianjin Juilliard School in Tianjin, China where she is an instructor in the graduate studies program, chamber coach in Pre-College, and staff pianist area coordinator. Prior to her position at Tianjin Juilliard, Su served as a full-time collaborative pianist at the Oberlin Conservatory and was piano faculty member at the Oberlin Community Music School.

Su has a DMA in collaborative piano from the University of Texas in Austin under the tutelage of Anne Apperson and an MM in piano performance from Arizona State University.


